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The Funny Name Server


Honey Weiner's Party

One day, MARY CHEESE got on the phone and called her friend DELORES HOSE. They were planning a surprise anniversary party for ARTHUR and HONEY WEINER, to be catered by PETER RABBIT and LO FAT. Since the Poop family was busy, porta-potties would be provided by J.F. HOLE, and the entertainment would be provided by ANGELIKA BUNG and L.F. BUNGAROO, backed up by ARTHUR TWITTY, THEOLA TWITTY, and ZULA TWITTY. FRED REEFER would be running the bar, as usual. Mary secretly hoped that Fred wouldn't bring along his assistant WILLIAM CROTCH.

As Mary and Delores went over the list of invitees, such as ALVIN STUMP, DEK STUMP, and J.D. DOLT, a few names stuck out. "Say, Delores," said Mary Cheese, "Who's COOKIE CAROSELLA, and who's this KHURSHEED COOKIE NAVDER?" "Well, I'm sure I don't know," replied Delores Hose, "Some of HONEY WEINER's office mates have sort of.. well.. you know, funny names." "Oh?" said Mary, raising a gorgonzola eyebrow, "You mean like OLIVE HEAD, P. HEAD, and BOOKER T. HEAD?" "Heavens, no, Mary! I was thinking not so much about the Head family as about ANGELO TURDO, DRAGOS A. NUTA, and LARRY TURF (of the Smithtown TURFS)!" "Ha ha," laughed Mary Cheese, those ARE funny names! Speaking of funny, shall we invite MITCHELL HOMO?"

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check it out!!that dude i met on Match is like a sloppy kisser! read what i wrote on